Sis Bakery

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  • Total Views: 431
  • Cities Available In: Kathmandu
  • Category Type : Bakeries

Seller Details

Sold By: Sis
Member Since: 14-Mar-2020
Address: Mhepi, Kathmandu
Mobile: 9841302255
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Ad In Detail

Last updated on Mar-23-2023

If you want a cake that is delicious to the last piece, then order from us now. For every occasion we serve you unspeakably delicious cake because no occasion is ever complete without a cake.

A party without a cake is just a meeting. So, always remember us regarding cakes for your party. Sweet temptations you’ll love.

We are located in Mhepi, Kathmandu. We bake delicious cakes taking taste and hygiene as our first priority. 

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