Fun Activities At Marriage

21 Dec 2022
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Want to create a memorable wedding reception for your guests by making it lively and festive? Some couples prefer to start the party off with wedding reception games, ice-breakers, and other interactive experiences. These activities can range from traditional lawn games to bride and groom trivia, a photo scavenger hunt, a well-stocked photo booth, and plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained, too.

There are many possibilities for indoor weddings as well, but these activities work best at huge, outdoor weddings where there is room to spread out. Have fun if the thought of including a few games on your wedding day appeals to you. We've selected 6 of the most enjoyable games and activities that are appropriate for a wedding reception and will be enjoyed by guests of all ages.

1. Saree tying competition

A sari tying competition between the guys from the bride's and the groom's sides would certainly make for an awesome and hilarious Indian wedding game to include in your soirees. Now course, seeing all of those men straining so hard to tie a sari will have everyone literally laughing out loud.

2. Trampoline

A hip idea to spice up your ceremony is with a trampoline. Additionally, given we all know how much kids adore trampolines, it will keep the youngsters happy and occupied.

3. Giant snakes and ladders

Who among us has never adored this classic game? The days of playing this game on little boards are long gone. Let folks play on a huge snakes and ladders board that has been put out on the floor. Let everyone take a turn walking in front, ascending the ladders, or getting bitten by a snake while you throw that enormous dice. And consider how much the children at your wedding will love playing this game!

4. Beer pong

These days, beer pong is a popular game to play at weddings. Beer pong is the most well-known and a must-have at your wedding soirees. It is played at everything from pool parties and beach parties to sundowners and after parties. It's one of those popular drinking games that has somehow evolved into a must-have for every wedding.

5. Pop the balloon

Everyone is probably familiar with the well-known "mela" game that we all used to play as kids. At your wedding venue, set up a "pop the balloon" booth and keep the prizes for the winners. Let the guests use those darts or pistols to pop the balloons so they can win prizes. The traditional can-throwing game is another variation of this one. Why not have both of them, in fact?

6. Shoe game

Playing this incredibly well-liked Indian wedding game is so much fun and charming. Everyone witnessing the bride and groom play this enjoys it equally and laughs hysterically. The couple plays this game while seated back to back, each clutching a shoe, the other their partner's.

The pair is then offered questions and statements about themselves and their relationship, and they must respond by raising the shoe to indicate which of the statements most closely fits their own. To make the game as thrilling and enjoyable as possible, don't forget to include some "spilling the beans" style questions. The couple can play with placards of their faces and use them for answering if they don't want to play with the shoes.


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